As the number of Client is growing quite significantly and in view fo the demand to optimise the platform more and more, Matthias de Ferrieres, CEO of My-Insurer Pte Ltd that lead Wellnex the premier free concierge dedicated to Healthcare, Lifestyle, Wellness and Home Services - Distributed by Financial Advisors and Property Agents in Singapore, announced that they are developing their own Academy: The Wellnex Academy. This academy will have the ambition not only to standardise and optimise the onboarding of its clients but foremost go beyond by assisting its clients to learn more on how to use digital tools from open source softwares, current strategic partners such as Redbrick, Fortis Wills, the immigration people and many more. The academy will also assist in developing a pole of Health prevention and awareness for Wellnex members and potential prospects. Fiza BINTE TUAHHAINI will be leading the academy and ensure that the courses are up to the standards to ensure that clients are fully satisfied with this new service. Here the first batch of course that will be launched starting first of April
Sebastien Khoo from Wellnex will be sharing on how to boost SALES through referrals! He has a proven sales track record of building long term relationship with clients through service and value adding. This month, Wellnex will also bring in 2 industry experts to share on the importance of client engagement and how simple tweaking of numbers might boost your sales numbers! Sebastien said that creating customer value increases customer satisfaction, increases the customer experience thus increases the overall loyalty". He added that the reverse is also true as a good customer experience will create value for a customer". Sebastien mentioned that it is critical to grow customer loyalty to generate retention and referrals. As such, it is very important to know and support your customers. The better you know your current loyal customers, and learn what products or services they like, the better you can market yourself to new customers. Wellnex is working towards helping Financial Advisors and Property Agents in getting more leads and retaining their clients longer. Fiza Tuahhaini, Head of Customer Service at Wellnex invites Members to greater Health Awareness3/10/2022
Fiza Tuahhaini, Head of Operations & Customer Service of My-Insurer Pte Ltd and Wellnex will be organising a talk next 24 of March 2022 at lunch time to discuss about Cancer and prevention. Fiza Tuahhaini has been in the insurance industry for more than 7 years. Her expertise lies in customer experience, account management and operations. Fiza realises the importance to go beyond insurance and financial protection to serve better her clients and members. Fiza Tuahhaini organises every month a talk with prominent experts in the health industry to contribute in the education of the Singaporean. This month it is all about Critical Illness! As at 2019, the most common cause of death in Singapore is cancer, strokes, heart issues and diseases, as well as pneumonia, kidney diseases, urinary tract infections and lung diseases occupying the top ten list.
Certain Critical Illnesses are preventable and many cancers are treatable and curable, especially with effective treatment in the early stages. Screening helps to detect early signs of cancer or pre-cancerous conditions before any symptoms appear. By the time symptoms appear, the disease is often at an advanced stage. Critical illnesses such as cancer has been on a rise. Wellnex talks about how TCM can help! Yi Ting Na, Co-founder of YiTCM Pte Ltd will join Fiza to share her expertise during that 45 minutes talk. Yi TCM combines Eastern medicine and techniques with Western knowledge to provide you with the best service and results possible. In combination with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, TCM has the potential to be used as an assistant therapeutic approach; it can enhance the response rate (RR) to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, reduce the severity of toxic effects and other side-effects caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Click to join the talk Regine Lai, co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Wellnex and My Insurer participated in a round table organized by Techniasia about Women and leadership.
The article: The entrepreneurial experience of SEA’s female founders talk about the difficulties to lead as Women in the 21 century. as part of the 2022 International Women's day, Tech In Asia decided to explore the experiences of the region's female founders by conducting a qualitative survey to understand their lived experiences and what it is to be a women in the start-up ecosystem. On that matter, Regine stated clearly that one of the main challenges female founders face is not being taken seriously. She highlighted that sometimes Women can be found to take up space. Overall founders reported that Women can be easily found too old or too young to be in the business, investors or partners could highlight their skepticism about their leadership, if not about their education and background. Males may have misconceptions about their knowledge and experience of the industries they operate and they dont easily trust them. Overall there are still Gender biases even though it is getting better. Regine Lai concluded that things are going into the right direction as time pass by and more communication is made towards the importance of changes. Regine, co-founder and Chief Growth Officer of My-insurer Pte Ltd and Wellnex, has more than 5 years in the insurance industry and 12 years in the business development. No stranger to the world of start-ups, Regine embarked on her first entrepreneurial venture in brand consultancy shortly upon graduation. She has developed a people focused business in retail, banking & finance and insurance for 17 years. Talking about Fear of Failure, Regine said that Entrepreneurship or running a business is risky and entails the unforeseen: "No one goes into business with a guarantee of success. Fear of the known and the unknown is a major issue for women". She mentioned that male tends to be more skeptical of women capability in business.
Regine also shared that in business Women tend to face the greatest challenges in getting support, lacking to get the relevant connections to needing financial access or emotional support. While women may need mentors and sponsors to guide them, the support remains expensive, which force women to delay starting businesses. The co-founder of Wellnex confirmed that Empowering a woman with knowledge is just the beginning of a long journey to business success. Life is a daily learning process where each day comes with new information. She added that women who strive and succeed are often shy about touting their accomplishments. They are afraid of being labeled as proud or boastful people. Humility is not shyness or timidity. Women need to stand by their success and let people around them recognize it. Regine Lai mentioned that owning your success as a woman motivates you to work harder and achieve more in your business. It inspires the people around you. For instance, she said that Sheryl Sandberg has inspired women to come out and take a place in corporate boardrooms. Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama are among those who have motivated other women to work toward their entrepreneurial dream. Confidence is an essential part of prosperity and growth. When a woman leads, others follow. Regine Lai concluded that every person irrespective of their gender has a different point of view which is why diversity critical: "If you need creative thoughts and ideas, you should maintain gender diversity at your workplace. You will find innovation and creativity at their peak while working with your team." |
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